Rules of Conduct and Safety on the Plane
Crew on board the aircraft
The most important person in any civil aviation aircraft is the captain/commander of the aircraft (abbreviated as CAN). The CAN bears personal responsibility for everything that happens on board: flight safety, decision-making regarding landing, takeoff, fuel consumption during flight, baggage disposal, forced landings, etc.
According to regulations, the CAN has the right to issue orders to any person on board the aircraft, whether passenger or crew member, and to demand their compliance. After landing, failing to comply with orders may lead to problems with the police. The second pilot assists the commander in managing the aircraft.
In the aircraft cabin, a whole team of flight attendants work for you, led by the chief flight attendant. The senior flight attendant acts as the CAN's deputy in the aircraft cabin.
Some passengers have biased views about flight attendants, considering them something between waitresses and, if you'll pardon me, promiscuous girls. Dear friends, flight attendants are indeed responsible for in-flight service, your comfort, and passenger service activities. But above all, they are people who ensure flight safety; they are always ready to help you in case of an unforeseen situation on board and can even save your life in an emergency. They have a challenging job accompanied by a lot of stress; remember this, treat them with respect and kindness.
Takeoff and landing of the aircraft. What should a passenger do?
Takeoff of the aircraft
Statistics show that the majority of aviation incidents occur during the takeoff and landing of an aircraft. This is due to the proximity to the ground and the lack of time to make important decision.
During takeoff, as the aircraft gains speed, accelerates, and lifts off from the ground, the farther and higher it goes, the safer it becomes. Conversely, during landing, the aircraft approaches the ground, slows down, which is a crucial moment.
What should passengers do during this time?
It's quite simple – follow the flight attendant's instructions: "Please turn off your mobile phones, bring the seatbacks to an upright position, fasten your seatbelts, raise the window shades, and ensure your tray tables are in their original (not open) position." Now, let's delve into why this is necessary.
- Turning off mobile phones on the aircraft
It is believed that devices emitting and receiving high-frequency signals can interfere with the aircraft's onboard equipment, precision landing systems, and may create interference in radio communications between pilots and air traffic controllers. Is this true? Theoretically, yes.
Imagine a situation where during takeoff, let's say, 1 km from the ground, 300 phones simultaneously start searching for a network where there isn't one. Interference could indeed occur in the magnetic field. And while there haven't been precedents yet, it doesn't mean the possibility doesn't exist. Therefore, to show responsibility, turn off your phones or switch them to "Airplane mode". Don't take risks.
- Seatbacks in an upright position
In the event of an emergency, a reclined seatback can block the passage for passengers sitting behind you.
- Fasten seatbelts, stow tray tables
During emergency braking, a hard landing, or an aborted takeoff, there is a chance you won't be able to maintain balance and might flip over the seat or hit your head on the tray table. Additionally, it's advisable not to hold heavy objects during takeoff and landing. You won't be able to control them, and there's a good chance they could become projectiles endangering other passengers. This fact is why photography and videography are prohibited during these phases of flight.
- Raise window shades
Primarily, this is due to the difference in lighting outside the aircraft and inside the cabin. If it's dim inside the cabin while the sun is shining brightly outside, during an emergency evacuation, temporary blindness is guaranteed. Similarly, if the cabin is brightly lit while it's nighttime outside. Because of this, on overnight flights, the lights are turned off during landing for eye adaptation.
- It's not recommended to listen to loud music on headphones.
If you're using the in-flight entertainment system, be aware that it's disabled during takeoff and landing. This is because a passenger might get distracted and miss important announcements or flight attendant instructions.
Takeoff and Landing. Turbulence.
During ascent and descent, the aircraft passes through the first layer of our atmosphere – the troposphere. It's an environment where air turbulence is prevalent, various types of clouds form, cyclones and anticyclones develop. It's during this stage of flight that turbulence is most keenly felt in the aircraft. What does this mean, and what should you do?
It means that as the aircraft passes through swirling vortex currents, it may experience "bumps" (in pilots' jargon, turbulence is just "bumps") up and down, left and right.
Sometimes this shaking can be quite strong and prolonged, especially when flying in adverse weather conditions: rain, fog, heavy clouds, wind, etc. In such cases, the CAN or chief flight attendant announces that the aircraft has entered a zone of increased turbulence and asks all passengers to take their seats and fasten their seatbelts.
In these situations, there's no need to panic, even when the shaking is quite strong, and looking out the window makes it seem like the aircraft's wings might detach from the vibration. This is a normal practice encountered to varying degrees by all aircraft. You just need to take your seat, fasten your seatbelt, and wait for the turbulence to pass. The higher the aircraft, the less turbulence, and vice versa.
As for the feeling that the wings are about to fall off - don't worry, throughout aviation history, such cases have not been recorded. The wings are designed to withstand much higher loads, and wing flutter indicates good and normal operation under variable loads and pressure conditions.
Flight on the Horizon.
When the aircraft reaches altitude, settles into position, and flies smoothly, it's the calmest and most pleasant part of the flight. Modern passenger aircraft fly in the lower layer of the stratosphere, at an altitude of 10-12 km above the clouds, where weather conditions are practically imperceptible, there are no birds, no ear popping, and absolutely nothing to worry about. You can get up from your seat, stretch your legs, and do whatever you want: sleep, eat, watch movies, listen to music, work on your laptop, read. In short, relax and enjoy the flight.
If it's a long-haul flight, bring a book or tablet with you; you can use the onboard entertainment system. Long-haul aircraft are equipped with personal TVs for each passenger, offering a wide selection of movies, songs, and more. Next.
Landing. Braking.
Very often, as soon as the aircraft lands, brakes, and slows down, passengers jump up from their seats, open the overhead compartments, retrieve their luggage, and prepare to disembark. This creates a lot of hassle for the flight attendants.
In reality, passengers can be understood; it's something psychological. For most of them, flying requires some nervous tension, so they prefer to leave the aircraft as quickly as possible.
However, doing so is strictly prohibited. The aircraft may jolt, make sudden turns, or brake. It's necessary to wait until the taxiing is complete to the final stop or to the gate where the stairs will be brought, and until the "Fasten Seatbelts" sign is turned off, to remain in their seats.
In conclusion, I can only say the following: please be kind, follow the simplest instructions of the crew, and your flight will be safe and calm.
Have a smooth landing!